🇬🇧 Delicious Makis in Portland

Delicious Makis in Portland

My experience tasting delicious makis in Portland during Drupalcon.

One of the things I love the most is eating and I find in every corner awesome and delicious food from around the world in a single city, which is Portland in the Oregon State. On my trip to Drupalcon Portland, I tasted delicious makis from the restaurant Masu Sushi that prepares fantastic maki. The one I loved the most was a maki with fire on it that was just a fantastic experience. Actually, this is my second time ordering this food as I traveled two years ago. I definitely recommend anyone who is coming.

🇬🇧 Observations from Drupalcon

Observations from Drupalcon

Exploring the challenges and opportunities for the Drupal community, based on firsthand observations at Drupalcon, including the keynote insights and the current job market scenario.

At this year’s Drupalcon, the keynote delivered by Dries highlighted a critical junction for the Drupal community. The message was clear: it’s a crucial time to attract new members. However, my observations tell a slightly different story. While the conference was filled with enthusiasm, the reality of the job fair painted a concerning picture with fewer than ten companies actively hiring.


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