🇬🇧 WordCamp US 2024 Sponsorship Opportunity

Join me at WordCamp US 2024 by sponsoring my trip! Explore various sponsorship packages and benefits.
Hi! My name is Eduardo Telaya, and I am excited to share that I have been invited to speak at WordCamp US 2024 in Portland, Oregon. This event is a great chance for me to meet WordPress fans and professionals from around the world.
I will talk about “Learning WordPress as a Neurodivergent Person.” Because I have ADHD, I found the best way to learn WordPress without getting too distracted. My goal is to show others that it’s possible to learn and succeed no matter what challenges you face. With help from experts, family, and the WordPress community, you can do it!
To help spread this message, I am looking for sponsors to cover my flight, food, and hotel costs. Here are the sponsorship options:
Sponsorship Packages
Gold Package - $999 (2 slots)
- T-Shirt Sponsorship Highlighted: Your logo on the front of an exclusive T-shirt. Other logos will be on the back.
- Presentation Mention Highlighted: I’ll mention that I am here thanks to the sponsor during my talk.
- Social Media Mentions: I’ll mention that this is possible thanks to sponsors on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and my website.
- Networking Promotion: Promote the sponsor during networking sessions.
- Sales Representation: Act as a sales representative for the sponsor’s products or service at the event. I’ll gather leads and present them to the company, ensuring proper follow-up with the lead’s permission.
- Dedicated Section: Dedicated section on my website and LinkedIn.
- Video Sponsorship: I’ll create 3 videos talking about the sponsor’s product or company.
Silver Package - $599 (4 slots)
- T-Shirt Sponsorship
- Presentation Mention
- Video Sponsorship: I’ll create 1 video talking about the sponsor’s product or company.
- Social Media Mentions: Mention on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and my website.
- Dedicated Section: Dedicated section on my website and LinkedIn.
Bronze Package - $299 (7 slots)
- T-Shirt Sponsorship
- Presentation Mention
- Social Media Mentions: Mention on LinkedIn and my website.
Cost Breakdown
- Flight Ticket: $931 (including baggage fees)
- Hotel: $1,067.20 (5-night stay with taxes and fees)
Total Needed: $1,998.20
Why Sponsor Me?
- Reach a large audience of WordPress fans and professionals.
- Get your brand noticed during my presentation and networking.
- Find new business leads from the event attendees.
- Be mentioned in any media coverage or social media posts I make about the event.
- Support neurodiversity and help spread the message that everyone, regardless of their neurological differences, can learn and succeed.
Contact Information
If you want to sponsor my trip to WordCamp US 2024, please email me at eduardo@heydru.com. You can pay via PayU Latam or PayPal.
Thank you for your support! I look forward to working with you!
Eduardo Telaya